The Senate summons Sánchez's former ministers over the hydrocarbons scheme and the Delcygate
The Senate commission will analyze the role of Reyes Maroto and Arancha González Laya in each of the cases.
The Senate will investigate this week the role of Reyes Maroto and Arancha González Laya in the hydrocarbon schemes and the "Delcy case."
The Senate committee will analyze the role of the Government on the night Delcy Rodríguez landed at Barajas airport in 2020.
Reyes Maroto will be summoned on Wednesday to explain if she had any involvement in the corruption scheme linked to hydrocarbons during her tenure as minister.
Arancha González Laya will appear to explain the Government's actions when Delcy Rodríguez arrived in Spain despite the Schengen ban.

The PP, with its majority in the Senate, has pushed for these appearances to clarify possible responsibilities of the former ministers in these cases.
The "Delcy case" focuses on the visit of the Venezuelan vice president to Spain and the Government's actions during her stay in Spanish territory.
In 2020, Delcy Rodríguez landed at Barajas, which caused controversy due to her presence in Europe despite sanctions imposed by the EU.
The PP seeks for Laya to explain who authorized Delcy Rodríguez's access to the airport and why international regulations weren't followed.
Reyes Maroto will be questioned about her communications with Víctor de Aldama, an alleged intermediary in the hydrocarbon scheme.
Alicia García, PP spokesperson in the Senate, demands that Maroto clarify if her messages with Aldama are related to acts of corruption.
Maroto denies any involvement in the scheme and assures that the messages were related to a tourism project that wasn't executed.

Víctor de Aldama, identified as a fixer, claims to have been at Barajas during Rodríguez's arrival, which increases suspicions.
González Laya's appearance doesn't have a definitive date yet, but it will be key to determining the Government's responsibility in this case.
Former minister Ábalos and his advisor Koldo García have also been implicated in the investigation due to their presence at the airport that night.
The controversy is exacerbated by the statements of a police officer who denies having seen Aldama at Barajas, which raises new doubts.
The PP insists on clarifying all the ramifications of these cases that point to irregularities in Sánchez's Government management.
The Senate committee could expand the investigations based on the results of the appearances of the former ministers summoned this week.
Sánchez's Government has received harsh criticism from the opposition, which insists that these schemes damage institutional transparency.
With the summons of Maroto and Laya, the Senate is expected to shed light on the cases that have caused great controversy in Spain.
Both cases reflect the tension between the Government and the opposition, with the PP using its majority in the Senate to intensify the investigations.
The Senate investigation will continue in the coming weeks with the aim of determining possible criminal and political responsibilities.
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