Eva Martín with a serious expression in the foreground and another smiling woman in the background, with the text "La Promesa" and a laurel symbol.

Unexpected Twist in 'la Promesa' After the Conversation Eva Martín Has Had

Cruz, brought to life by Martín, is going to bring a change to life in the palace after a serious dialogue that will

Cruz, played by Eva Martín, is going to bring an unexpected twist this afternoon to life in La Promesa. She will do so with a serious and deep conversation she will have with Ángela.

The marchioness won't hesitate to curb the girl's behavior. Yes, because she believes she is taking too many liberties.

Screenshot of 'La Promesa' with Cruz with his head raised and a pill in his hand
Cruz will put a stop to her guest's behavior | RTVE

Cruz, Played by Eva Martín, Brings a Change to La Promesa

Cruz has always felt the need to control everything that happens in her home. However, in recent episodes, she has watched with displeasure how Ángela acts on her own. Especially after warning Martina about a possible deception related to the sale of land.

This boldness from the young woman has exhausted the marchioness's patience. Therefore, today, after another significant event, Alonso's wife will decide to confront the girl. She will make it clear that, although she resides in La Promesa, she won't allow her to interfere in the family's affairs.

Ángela and another woman sitting on a sofa talking in a room with large windows. Still from 'La Promesa'.
Ángela will receive the reprimand from the marchioness | RTVE

This tense clash will mark a turning point in the plot, as it could halt Ángela's actions. However, it is also possible that, on the contrary, it might incite her to rebel even more. Something that would seriously jeopardize the plans and intentions of the protagonist played by Eva Martín.

Other Important Events for Today's Episode of La Promesa

Besides the confrontation between Cruz and Ángela, this afternoon's episode of La Promesa will be filled with more significant situations. For example, although Curro initially doubted the plans to marry him off to a wealthy heiress, Leocadia's daughter will open his eyes. Now she will have more compelling evidence to definitively and clearly reveal to him the true intentions of his family.

The character of Curro Serious in the series 'La Promesa'
Curro will have more tests to believe in his nuptial commitment | RTVE

Additionally, Samuel will reveal to María Fernández the truth about her origins. However, she will be skeptical, but the priest will manage to find a way to prove the truth of his words.

Meanwhile, the mysterious bloodstain on the carpet will remain an enigma for Jana. But she, in her eagerness to unravel this mystery, will continue gathering clues. She might discover hidden truths that will change the course of events in the palace.

In a scene from 'La Promesa', Ana Garcés holds a lit candle while intently watching through a door in a dark and ancient setting.
Jana will continue with her inquiries | RTVE

As if that weren't enough, Manuel, determined to take control of his life, will meet with his father. He will do so with the intention of communicating his desire to leave La Promesa and resume his career in aeronautics. This way, he intends to find a future away from family tensions, where he can be happy with his wife and the child on the way.

This episode promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. All thanks to a series of unexpected twists and revelations that could change the fate of the inhabitants of the Luján mansion. Therefore, no one can miss today's installment, which will be crucial within the plot of the TVE series.

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