Uncomfortable Moment for Alonso Caparrós on 'Espejo Público': 'I Have Been Amazed'
The Antena 3 program contributor was absolutely stunned by a colleague's words.
Alonso Caparrós has experienced all kinds of moments on Espejo Público. But none as uncomfortable as the one he faced this morning.
It was some words from his colleague Carmen Lomana about Franco that left him shocked. So much so that he didn't hesitate to express: "I'm stunned."

Carmen Lomana's Controversial Statements That Upset Alonso Caparrós
Carmen Lomana, a regular contributor to Espejo Público, became the protagonist today due to some statements made on the podcast InfoVlogger. In that space, she questioned whether Franco established a dictatorship in Spain.
Thus, she stated: "We had no idea it was a dictatorship, many things were done like Social Security, ONCE, paid vacations." Additionally, she added: "Who does the crisis affect? Well, those who have something to lose, a person who has nothing already lives in a permanent crisis."

Alonso Caparrós's Reaction on Espejo Público: Uncomfortable and Upset
These words caused a strong reaction on the set of Espejo Público. So much so that Gema López didn't hide her irritation and retorted to Lomana: "You lived in a privileged bubble." To which she added: "Do you see the nonsense you're saying?"
However, the one who appeared most uncomfortable and upset was Alonso Caparrós. Visibly affected, he said to her: "Carmen, I'm stunned, the view of Franco seems unexpected to me. I'm telling you honestly, I'm absolutely surprised."
He continued explaining his discomfort by recalling his family: "I've heard all my life from my father and my grandfather and my grandmother how the consequence of the war was. Yes, the hunger they went through, the poverty, how hard it was for them to get ahead. So, for you, who are a cultured woman, who have the perspective of the past, to say that, it seems offensive to me."
"It was horrific. And the generations that came after, among which I include myself, suffered it."

Despite the criticism, Carmen maintained her stance: "What is horrific is a civil war between brothers and in this country, we've always killed each other in civil wars. I think there are many people who want to remember it again and for us to return to the two Spains. I don't admit single-minded thinking and I can say, if I feel like it, that many things were done with Franco."
These words from the celebrity only increased the tension on the set. Yes, leaving Alonso Caparrós and the rest of the contributors visibly uncomfortable.
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