Sabela Arán with an old hairstyle and elegant dress, "Valle Salvaje" logo and a warning icon in the corner.

Sabela Arán Finally Discovers the Truth in 'Wild Valley' and Is Left Speechless

The treacherous Victoria, played by Arán, will have in her possession the information she had long wanted to know

Valle Salvaje will leave its fans speechless today. All because a big moment that Victoria, played by Sabela Arán, has long wanted to face will take place. She will discover the truth about José Luis.

Yes, finally, she will dare to ask him what he feels for her. The duke will not hesitate to be honest, without reservations.

Victoria with a serious expression dressed in black in a room with bookshelves. Screenshot from 'Wild Valley'
Victoria will decide to clear up doubts once and for all | RTVE

Victoria, Played by Sabela Arán, Will End Up Discovering the Truth About José Luis in Valle Salvaje

Victoria and José Luis have maintained a clandestine relationship for years, even when he was married to Pilara. After becoming a widower, the duke has continued his bond with his lover, but he has always avoided formalizing their relationship. This situation, frustrating for her, has caused tensions and doubts in the woman, who longs for greater stability and recognition.

Now they have been getting closer again, among other things, due to their economic and power plans. So much so that she will find herself in the perfect position to take an unexpected step. Today, she will directly ask her lover what he feels for her and if he has ever loved her.

The noble's response will not be long in coming. The truth is, it will leave her speechless.

José Manuel Seda dressed in period costume looks attentively at a small bottle while a woman at his side looks at him with a serious expression in Valle Salvaje.
The Duke Will Open Up to Victoria | RTVE

This way, a turning point will be marked in the lives of Victoria and the patriarch of the Gálvez de Aguirre family. For them, perhaps nothing will ever be the same again.

More Plots Not to Miss This Afternoon in Valle Salvaje

In addition to this confrontation, today's episode of Valle Salvaje will address other stories that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. For example, the much-anticipated masquerade ball at the Casa Grande is approaching. Victoria will be especially concerned about the identity of a mysterious guest who will be the central focus of the party.

Victoria, played by Sabela Arán, with a serious expression looks at another person holding an envelope with a red stamp, it is a screenshot from the series 'Valle Salvaje'.
Adriana's aunt will be intrigued by the upcoming celebration in "Valle Salvaje" | RTVE

Meanwhile, the tension between Julio, Rafael, and Adriana will continue to rise. The recent revelations that have been made have created an atmosphere of distrust and conflict among them. Moreover, any of the three could take drastic measures that would affect everyone irreparably.

On the other hand, Alejo will continue to have the constant fear that Gaspar will retaliate against him or Luisa. This threat will add an additional layer of suspense to the plot. Any false move could trigger devastating consequences.

Followers of Valle Salvaje eagerly await each episode, and today's will be no exception. The revelation of José Luis's feelings toward Victoria could redefine the power dynamics and relationships at the Casa Grande. Additionally, the developing subplots ensure that excitement and drama remain at high levels.

Moreover, with this afternoon's installment, the fiction will reaffirm its commitment to offering deep and exciting stories. It will promise to redefine the course of the history of this TVE production forever.

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