A man signs a document, with a miniature house in his hand, and the Treasury logo in the circle

Urgent Statement From Hacienda: Don't Forget This at All, Fine Guaranteed

The Tax Agency requires owners of tourist apartments to undertake this procedure or they could be fined.

The Tax Agency has intensified its controls over the owners of tourist apartments. It is essential for these taxpayers to comply with their tax obligations to avoid penalties. If you rent out your property for tourist purposes, you are required to declare the income obtained in your 2025 Income Tax Return.

Tax Agency Gets Serious: What Tourist Apartment Owners Must Do

These incomes must be included in the real estate capital income section. Additionally, you can deduct certain expenses related to the rental, such as maintenance and repair expenses.

An apartment building in the background, with several 50 euro bills and in the circle, the Treasury logo
The owners of these apartments are obligated to do so | andres barrionuevo lopez, Getty Images, Europa Press

Also, the utilities used during the rental period and commissions paid to platforms or intermediary agencies. It is crucial to keep all receipts and invoices that support these expenses, as the Tax Agency may request them at any time.

What Happens If I Don't Declare My Income? Time to Dig Deep into Your Pocket

Not declaring the income obtained from renting a tourist apartment can lead to serious consequences, including financial penalties. The fines can vary depending on the severity of the infraction.

If the undeclared amount exceeds 3,000 euros with concealment, the penalty can range from 50% to 100% of the undeclared amount. If the Tax Agency detects the omission, in addition to the penalty, late payment interest will be applied from the moment the income should have been declared.

An elderly couple reviews a paper, and in the circle, the Treasury logo
If you don't declare your income, expect the worst | Europa Press, Getty Images

The lack of declaration can lead to a more thorough inspection of the taxpayer's finances, which could uncover other possible irregularities. In some cases, the penalties can be even more severe. For example, in Cantabria, fines for offering illegal tourist rentals can reach up to 75,000 euros, depending on the severity of the infraction.

Importance of Complying with Our Tax Obligations

Complying with our tax obligations is essential for several reasons. One of them is the contribution to the common good. Taxes are the main source of funding for public services, such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

  • Avoid Legal Problems: Non-compliance with tax obligations can result in financial penalties and other legal issues.
  • Promote Fair Competition: Correctly declaring income ensures fair competition among owners and prevents unfair practices in the market.
  • Social Responsibility: As citizens, it is our duty to contribute to the maintenance of the system that benefits us all.

All in all, if you are the owner of a tourist apartment, make sure to declare all the income obtained and related expenses in your Income Tax Return. Keep organized and complete documentation to support your declarations.

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