Xavi Lock with a serious expression in the foreground, with a blurred background of a couple and the text "The Promise" next to a surprised emoji.

'La Promesa' Makes a Decision with Xavi Lock That Gives the Series a U-turn

The creators of the fiction are going to leave all the fans speechless with the new developments of Curro, played by Lock

The viewers of La Promesa thought they wouldn't be as surprised as they were with Jana's death, but they are wrong. Today, the series will take a shocking turn with what will happen to Curro, played by Xavi Lock.

He had been forced to leave the palace so his father could maintain the marquisate. But this afternoon he will return, albeit in a very different way. He will do so as a footman.

Inma Pérez-Quirós and Xavi Lock, dressed in black, are standing in a cemetery; the woman is holding a handkerchief and seems to be crying while the man is holding a hat in his hands in La Promesa.
Curro Will Return to the Palace, but as No One Expected | RTVE

La Promesa Surprises Again with What's Decided About Curro, Played by Xavi Lock

Curro has suffered numerous setbacks in recent episodes, as he has lost his sister and his barony has been taken away. All this without forgetting that Alonso had to disown him and expel him from La Promesa to maintain the marquisate.

His departure left everyone shocked, especially Ángela and Manuel. However, they will be pleased with his return, which will take place this afternoon. But the most surprising thing will be that he will return to serve as a footman, giving a twist to the plot.

An unexpected twist that will leave viewers speechless. It will provoke all kinds of reactions in the Luján mansion.

Curro and Manuel, dressed formally, converse in an elegantly decorated room. Still from 'La Promesa'.
The young man will now be part of the palace staff | RTVE

Curro's departure left everyone dismayed, especially Ángela and Manuel, who will be pleased with his return. The service staff will welcome him with open arms, although they will be puzzled about how to treat him in his new role.

On the other hand, Lorenzo will mock his situation and Leocadia will take this return the worst. She will show her discontent, reminding Alonso that they are breaking the agreement established with the Royal House. Her opposition will not stop there, as she will seek to separate Curro from her daughter, directly forbidding their friendship.

Marta Costa and Isabel Serrano standing face to face in a room lit by natural light coming through the windows behind them in La Promesa.
Leocadia will prevent her daughter from maintaining the relationship with Curro | RTVE

The writers' decision to transform the young man from noble to servant will add intrigue. It will also reflect the social dynamics and power struggles within the palace.

More Interesting Plots in Today's Episode of La Promesa

In addition to the unexpected twist with what happened to Curro, this afternoon's episode of La Promesa will have more moments not to be missed. For example, Catalina will try to convince Manuel to postpone his trip to Italy until after her delivery, seeking to keep the family together. All while Martina will take on responsibilities, such as the meeting with the tenants.

Meanwhile, Rómulo will warn Ricardo about Ana's true intentions. Blanca Palomar will say goodbye to Manuel, who will consult her about her intention to leave the country.

As if that weren't enough, Samuel will inform María Fernández about Adriano's return to Luján. Candela will recognize the troubled needy person in the shelter, adding more tension to the plot. Yes, because it's Antoñito, Simona's son.

Additionally, Alonso will feel guilty about what happened with Curro and will try to prevent Leocadia from expelling him from the palace, seeking Ángela's help. All while Petra and María Fernández will star in a new conflict, reflecting the internal tensions within the palace.

Manuel Regueiro with a beard and dark suit looks with a serious expression in an elegant indoor setting in La Promesa.
Alonso will try to do everything possible to ensure his son is not expelled from the palace | RTVE

The audience of La Promesa eagerly awaits to see how these events will unfold. The return of the young man in a subordinate position raises questions about his future and the impact it will have on relationships within the palace. Additionally, the opposition from Cruz's friend and the intrigues woven around this return will add an additional level of suspense to the series.

This plot twist shows the ability of TVE's fiction to reinvent itself. Of course, to keep fans glued to the television at all times.

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