Close-up of Ion Aramendi with a serious expression and a circular image of María Amores outdoors with a surprised emoji at the bottom.

No One Expected the Letter Ion Aramendi and María Amores Have Published on Instagram

Ion Aramendi and his wife, María Amores, return to social media with a new and unexpected post

Ion Aramendi and María Amores once again become the center of attention due to the latest letter the influencer has published on her Instagram profile. In it, she wanted to pay a beautiful tribute to her husband for Father's Day.

Without a doubt, this media-savvy couple has become one of the most solid in the entire social scene of our country. Proof of this are the constant displays of love they both publicly dedicate to each other.

María Amores Dedicates an Emotional Letter to Ion Aramendi | @sraamores, Instagram

Now, María Amores has returned to her social media with a new and revealing post. This Wednesday, March 19, the communicator has opened her family album for a good reason.

Like other well-known faces, the content creator didn't want to miss the opportunity to congratulate Ion Aramendi on Father's Day.

Ion Aramendi, smiling, holds a baby in his arms while wearing a lowered mask in an indoor setting.
María Amores Congratulates Ion Aramendi on Father's Day | Instagram, @sramariaamores

Through a revealing photo carousel, María Amores has unveiled some of the endearing moments her husband has experienced with their children. However, what has caught the most attention is the emotional letter she shared in that post:

"Having Ion Aramendi close is a guarantee of fun, understanding, protection, affection, good advice, memorable times, laughter, long conversations that feel short, and tight hugs... But having him as your father must be the sh*t."

Ion Aramendi and María Amores's Post Hasn't Gone Unnoticed Among Internet Users: "How Beautiful, Please"

After this beautiful declaration of love, María Amores wanted to congratulate all the fathers in the world on this special day for them. However, as expected, she made a special mention of her husband:

Ion Aramendi feeds a horse while a child watches, and in another scene, he holds a child on a plane while another child leans on him.
María Amores Shares Several Photos of Ion Aramendi with His Children |, Instagram, @sramariaamores

"Happy Father's Day to everyone, especially to Ion Aramendi, my father Ángel, and my father-in-law Santiago. And to my grandfathers, Alfredo and Valentín, who were also like fathers to me. All of these don't have Instagram, so I'll congratulate them in person."

As expected, María Amores's emotional post hasn't gone unnoticed among other users of this social network. So much so that several of them didn't want to miss the opportunity to applaud this beautiful gesture.

"You have beautiful children, but the little one has stolen my heart," assured an Instagram user. "Congratulations, great dad," wrote another internet user.

Meanwhile, Ion Aramendi also wanted to comment on María Amores's latest post. "How exciting! Thank you so much, what cool photos. A million thanks, how beautiful, please," wrote the television presenter.

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