José Fernando Ortega and Rocío Carrasco posing in front of a light background.

No One Could Imagine What José Fernando Ortega Just Did With Rocío Carrasco

José Ortega Cano's son has surprised everyone by revealing something very important about his older sister

José Fernando Ortega has returned to the media spotlight. The reason for this is that he has surprised everyone with what he has just done with Rocío Carrasco, his older sister.

Nobody could have imagined it, but Ortega Cano's son has made it clear that he would like things to be solved with her. A gesture that shows that, despite everything that has happened, he still loves her.

Ortega Cano's son has surprised with his sincerity | Europa Press

The Surprising Gesture of José Fernando Ortega Regarding Rocío Carrasco

José Fernando Ortega has always stayed very much on the sidelines of the conflicts between his family and his older sister, Rocío Carrasco. In fact, he was one of the people who had contact with her until the last moment. He never had harsh words for Fidel Albiac's wife, nor did she for him.

Now, it has been revealed that not only does the young man still care for her, but, although nobody imagined it, he would be willing to make amends. Thus, when a team from Europa Press, at Gloria Camila's birthday, asked him if he would like to solve the conflicts with Rocío, he was very clear. He said a resounding: “Yes”.

Moreover, he nodded when asked if he, meanwhile, would be willing to settle the problems and resume the relationship. This way, he has extended a hand to Carrasco so that, at least between them, there is good harmony.

Rocío Carrasco with glasses and a black cap being interviewed by Europa Press on a street.
José Fernando Ortega would like things to be solved with Rocío Carrasco. | Europa Press

The Current State of José Fernando Ortega, Brother of Rocío Carrasco

The relationship between Rocío Carrasco and her siblings, José Fernando and Gloria Camila, has been practically nonexistent in recent years. However, his recent statements could be the first step toward a reconciliation that many consider necessary.

This gesture is even more significant considering the personal context of Ortega Cano's son. The young man has faced various challenges, including mental health issues and addictions, which led him to enter the San Juan de Dios Center in Ciempozuelos. After years of treatment, his progress has been positive, and he has fully reintegrated into everyday life.

During his intervention before the media, José Fernando also shared details about his current state. He was equally clear: “Very well, all good”. Words that reflected a moment of stability and well-being in his life, which could facilitate the rapprochement with his sister Rocío.

Close-up of José Fernando Ortega serious with a hat and a headset in his ear
José Fernando Ortega is experiencing a good moment | Europa Press

Rocío Carrasco has not made any public statements in response to her brother's words. However, what he said could open a door to dialogue. And to the possibility of healing the wounds that have affected the family for so long.

This new chapter starring José Fernando shows that, despite adversities, there is always the possibility of rebuilding family ties. Time will tell if this translates into a reconciliation and if they finally manage to overcome the differences that have kept them apart.

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