This Is How Naturgy Writes the Future of Energy
The company is committed to renewable energy, innovation, and dedication to move toward climate neutrality.
In a world increasingly affected by climate change, Naturgy has become a benchmark in the energy transition.
El brutal cambio que lidera Naturgy
Aware of global challenges, the company is committed to a sustainable model that prioritizes renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Naturgy's commitment to climate neutrality by 2050 sets the course for its strategy. To achieve this, it has intensified its investments in clean energy and the digitization of its electrical grid.
Currently, it has 6.9 GW of renewable capacity globally, driving wind, solar, and hydroelectric projects in Spain, Australia, and the United States.
Naturgy has a clear strategy to reduce its carbon footprint. Through the modernization of its infrastructure and the promotion of new technologies, it aims to minimize emissions and maximize efficiency in resource use.
Additionally, the company collaborates with institutions and governments to accelerate the adoption of clean energy in different markets.
Projects That Drive Sustainability
A clear example of this commitment is the solar plant in Extremadura, one of the largest in the country. This project not only supplies clean electricity to thousands of homes but also generates over a thousand local jobs.

The facility, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, maximizes energy efficiency and minimizes environmental impact.
The expansion of wind farms in different regions is also part of Naturgy's strategy. Thanks to the implementation of more efficient wind turbines and advanced storage systems, the company ensures a stable and sustainable energy supply.
These initiatives reinforce the company's leadership in renewable energy generation.

Innovation in Service of the Planet
Naturgy is also exploring new technological solutions to optimize consumption and energy distribution.
An example is the hybrid system Curderdin in Australia, which combines solar energy with smart storage. This model allows for a stable and efficient supply, even in adverse weather conditions.
Digitization plays a key role in the company's strategy. By using advanced data analysis tools and smart grids, Naturgy optimizes energy distribution and reduces losses in the electrical system.

These innovations contribute to improving the efficiency and sustainability of the energy supply.
Beyond technological innovation, the company places people at the center of its strategy. It has developed social programs to facilitate access to energy in vulnerable communities, promoting the installation of solar panels in residential centers and job training in the energy sector.
These initiatives have changed the lives of thousands of people at risk of exclusion, providing them with new development opportunities.
Naturgy also collaborates with non-profit organizations to bring electricity to isolated areas. Through innovative solutions like microgrids and storage systems, the company ensures access to a reliable energy source in disadvantaged communities.
This commitment to energy inclusion is an essential pillar of its mission.
Investment in a Sustainable Future
Naturgy's commitment to sustainability translates into an investment of 937 million euros in 2024. With this budget, the company strengthens its commitment to a more sustainable and responsible energy mix.

Its goal is to minimize carbon emissions and move toward a model based on renewable sources.
The company also is committed to research and development in the field of green hydrogen. This alternative fuel is emerging as a key solution for the decarbonization of industrial and transportation sectors.
Naturgy has already launched pilot projects to explore its viability and promote its adoption in the future.
Naturgy's leadership in the energy transition is measured not only in numbers but in its positive impact on society and the environment.
Every action, every investment, and every innovation reflects a clear vision: to build a world where progress and sustainability go hand in hand.
At a crucial moment for the planet, the company demonstrates that it is possible to grow sustainably, ensuring a cleaner and more equitable future for future generations.
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