Close-up photo montage of Gloria Camila Ortega with a serious face and José Ortega Cano, her father, also with a serious face.

Gloria Camila, Daughter of José Ortega Cano, Opens Up About Her Adoption: 'I'm Fed Up'

Ortega Cano's daughter speaks out about the insults she receives regarding her adoption at Amor Romeira's party.

Gloria Camila has shared her frustration over the attacks she receives due to her adoption. The daughter of José Ortega Cano and Rocío Jurado expressed her annoyance during the celebration of her friend Amor Romeira's 36th birthday. "I'm tired of it always being women," she declared firmly to the press.

In a few days, on February 21, Gloria Camila will celebrate her 29th birthday amid a period of change. After her breakup with David García following a five-year relationship, she claims to be focused on her studies and her fashion business. Despite the challenges, she confesses to feeling stable and happy at this moment in her life.

Ortega Cano's daughter opens up about her personal moment | Mediaset

However, the attacks on social media continue to affect her daily life, impacting her peace of mind. "Being a public figure doesn't give you the right to crush a person because of their background," she denounced. How does she face this situation and what measures could she take?

Gloria Camila Celebrates Her Birthday in a Moment of Transformation

Gloria Camila has shown her loyalty to Amor Romeira by attending her birthday party. The young woman, who will soon turn 29, is focused on her personal and professional growth. Despite the recent breakup with David García, she claims to be centered on her law studies and her fashion brand.

"I'm fine, I'm happy, I'm stable, focused on my law studies, my fashion brand, my family," she stated. She also highlights the importance of enjoying the present, aware that time is a valuable resource. With this positive approach, she faces the challenges posed by media exposure.

The insults she receives for her adoption have become a constant concern. Although she tries to remain calm, she acknowledges that the criticism affects her emotional state. "It's an attack that I don't care about, but I do want to give it a voice and visibility," she declared with determination.

Gloria Camila with a Europa Press microphone in a setting with balloons and a brick wall.
Gloria Camila responds to insults about her adoption | Europa Press

Gloria Camila has acknowledged that these comments are always due to being public figures, although she points out that it shouldn't be that way. "Being a public figure doesn't give you the right to crush a person because of their background, adoption, country, color, race, sexual orientation...," she opined.

The daughter of José Ortega Cano has raised her voice against harassment on social media. She has expressed her weariness at the attacks she receives about her adoption, her origin, and her family. "I'm a little fed up with hearing you're adopted, you're not a welcome daughter, your parents didn't want you," she expressed with indignation.

Gloria Camila denounces that the insults come mostly from women, which causes her great frustration. She believes that the lack of support among women contributes to perpetuating these aggressions. "If we don't respect each other, no one will respect us," she affirmed with conviction.

Gloria Camila's Support for Anabel Pantoja in Her Lawsuit

Gloria Camila has also shown her support for Anabel Pantoja. Isabel Pantoja's niece has filed a major lawsuit for violation of the right to honor and privacy due to the dissemination of information about her daughter Alma's condition. "I support them suing whoever they have to sue and defending themselves where they have to defend themselves," she declared with determination.

Image of Gloria Camila responding to the press
Gloria Camila supports Anabel Pantoja against attacks on public figures | Europapress

Anabel Pantoja's case brings to the table the limits of journalism. For Gloria Camila, it is essential that information is handled responsibly. The spread of rumors without evidence only contributes to damaging the image of those affected.

Gloria Camila, daughter of José Ortega Cano, has decided to break her silence and speak about the attacks she receives for being adopted. With her words, she wanted to express her frustration and weariness at the comments she and other public figures receive on social media.

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