Antonio Rossi Stops 'Vamos a Ver' to Show Edmundo Arrocet's Private Message
The Journalist Interrupts and Contradicts Edmundo Arrocet's Statements About His Breakup with María Teresa Campos
The set of Vamos a Ver became the epicenter of controversy when Antonio Rossi halted the program's development to show a private message from Edmundo Arrocet. The journalist has dismantled the version that the comedian has maintained for years about his breakup with María Teresa Campos.
The moment caused a great stir in Telecinco's morning program. Rossi didn't hesitate to expose the WhatsApp message that Edmundo sent to María Teresa, making it clear that the communication between them didn't occur as Arrocet has claimed. How does this affect the comedian's credibility?

Edmundo Arrocet's Breakup Message to María Teresa Campos
To understand the impact of this revelation, it's necessary to go back to November 2019, when the relationship between Edmundo and María Teresa was faltering. The couple had an argument because Arrocet decided to go to Málaga to celebrate his birthday, something the presenter didn't accept. Three days after his departure, the fateful message confirming the breakup arrived.
"Teresita, I'm very upset about my birthday, that reaction... I told you I would leave the house and that's what I'll do. I'll let a few days pass to relieve my anguish and, if you want, meet with you amicably to talk and keep the beautiful memory of your face and your smile," he began saying.

"Don't write or call me anymore because it will be worse. I'm very upset and I don't want you to tell me and for me to tell you... it's the third time you've said everything to me and I don't want you to humiliate me anymore," concluded the message sent by the comedian.
This message was the last contact between them. María Teresa, hurt and with no intention of giving him a second chance, decided not to hear from Edmundo again.
Antonio Rossi Dismantles Edmundo Arrocet's Version
Edmundo Arrocet has maintained that the breakup didn't occur via WhatsApp and that the message was sent twenty days after their argument. However, Antonio Rossi clarified that the dates don't match what the comedian has stated.
"It's not twenty days after an argument. Teresa responds to this message on Monday, December 2. He leaves the house on the 30th and they don't contact each other until this message," the journalist stated live.
With the revelation of these facts, Arrocet's credibility has been called into question. For years, the comedian has requested that the message be shown to support his version, but now that it has come to light, reality seems not to be in his favor.
According to Antonio Rossi, María Teresa Campos was upset when she received that message. She became so nervous that she asked Gustavo Guillermo, her trusted assistant, to go to the train station to find Edmundo and ask him for some explanations. However, Arrocet didn't show up.

In his absence, the journalist opted to send him a strong message. "She tells him that she went to Atocha station for him to face her like a man and calls him a liar," Antonio Rossi revealed on Vamos a Ver.
With indignation and disappointment, María Teresa ended the relationship definitively. "She tells him that he's a fake, a liar, and that she saw it coming," Rossi added, emphasizing that, according to the presenter, Edmundo had planned his departure to present himself as a victim.
The statements by Antonio Rossi have caused an unexpected turn in the story of this breakup. With the evidence on the table, Edmundo Arrocet's narrative is faltering. Will the comedian respond to this new exposure or remain silent in the face of the controversy?
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